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There are so many wonderful things about salmon that it’s hard to know where to start.

It’s a fish which even people who don’t like fish can enjoy. It’s firm enough to grill, can be cooked in many different ways, and doesn’t dry out as easily as many other fish. It comes fresh, frozen, smoked, and canned. Wild salmon can be eaten without fear of excess contaminants or mercury, and it has a very high nutrient profile, including the highly-prized

Salmon is a highly nutritious food. Of course, it is high in protein, and the “good fats." But did you know that a 4 oz serving of wild salmon provides a full day’s requirement of vitamin D? It is one of the few foods that can make that claim. That same piece of fish contains over half of the necessary B12, niacin, and selenium, and is an excellent source of B6 and magnesium. Canned salmon also contains large amounts of calcium (due to the bones of the fish).

People who eat fish seem to be protected from a host of conditions. Some of this is probably due to the omega-3 fats, but there may be other benefits apart from this. The science isn’t clear yet as to all the reasons why eating fish (particularly fatty fish such as salmon) seems to be so darned good for us.

What does it taste like?

"It all depends on how it's prepared and the kind of salmon it is. Smoked salmon is very good! I also love salmon patties, that's usually salmon that's been canned and then mashed down and had eggs and crushed crackers added to them, then formed into a patty shape and fried (not deep fried) and served hot. Personally, I think that salmon has kind of a medium fishy flavor but I like the flavor and I'm not one who likes a lot of fish and when I do it's usually fish that is mild tasting. I would, however, recommend trying salmon"


"But seriously, it's a meatier fish. It's flaky like all fish, but I feel like it isn't quite as "fishy" tasting as some fish. It usually has a good texture and isn't slimey and doesn't fall apart all over the place (although it does flake some when cutting). It is extremely healthy when cooked without tons of butter and still has great flavor! Don't be afraid to have an open mind and try it! (i actually had some pretty darn good salmon tonight)"